How Much Does it Cost to Get Started?

The only cost you have is the cost of the product you pick out. Most of our products are between $20 and $50. We even have a sample pack for $8! What business can you start for eight bucks? I can’t think of any!


How do I Qualify for Commissions?

There are 2 ways to qualify. You simply purchase 50PV or point value (around $50-$60) OR you find customers who cumulatively purchase 50PV. For example, if you find 2 customers who both buy a product worth 25PV, those customers can qualify you for commissions.


How Much Time will it Take me to do this Business?

Most people do Regenalife part-time starting out, then go full-time if they desire to fully replace their income. However, to make a full-time income, you would need to put in full-time hours-at least in the beginning. Once you have a team built and other affiliates working on your behalf, you can scale back your hours.


How Long Before I Start Making Money?

Most traditional businesses require a large up-front investment and take years to earn that money back, much less become profitable. With Regenalife, you can literally become profitable the very first time you make a sale! Since your only investment is in yourself or in a product that will improve your health, it’s a win-win from the get go.


Will I Have to Talk to Family & Friends to be Successful?

No. You do not have to share this with family or friends unless you want to. Our team offers 200 FREE leads every single month with your purchase of 50PV. You have the option of building this business 100{61feb7ed6994bee0083d854d60c502a256f7f0ba150d0209cd9ddbafe17bc79f} online if you choose. No need to have parties or at home meetings.


Can I do Regenalife if I’m in another Direct Sales Company?

Regenalife does not have any restrictions on how many home-based businesses you do; however, some other companies do not allow you do be involved in a company that conflicts with what they sell. We recommend that if you want to be successful, you find a company you love and stick with it for at least 1-3 years to fully ground yourself in the business.


Is This one of Those Pyramid Things?

Most people don’t realize it, but most all corporations are shaped like a pyramid. You have the CEO at the top, the President, VP, officers, supervisors, employees, maintenance workers etc. If you come in as an employee, you almost never have the chance of becoming the CEO or President. In Network Marketing, YOU are your own CEO! You start at the top of your very own organization and can build it as large as you want. When you help people, you get a cut for helping them, that’s the beauty of having a uni-level commission system.


Will I Receive Training?

Yes! We offer FREE training when you join our team. We have an entire website and Youtube Channel set up with everything you need to know to get off to a good start. Once you go through the training, write down all your questions and schedule a meeting with your sponsor. The closer you work with your sponsor, the more success you will have.


What Organizations are Regenalife Products Associated with and Backed by?

  • USDA – U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Organic Consumers Association
  • Organic Trade Association
  • Organic Trade Services
  • Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) Regulations